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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

M.C no more..

hari ni aku dah masuk keje. ahh...lama sungguh aku tinggalkan opis. rasa macam hari mula2 masuk keje dulu pon ada. semalam aku jumpa doc. terkejut dia aku dah mula berjalan cam biasa. but he's cool.very cool, supportive & bagusss laaa. nape aku puji sgt doc nih? sbb dari hari first aku jumpa dia...he's full of smiles. senyum...dan senyum. tak kedekut ilmu. very diplomatic.supportive..mcm2 laa. jarang doc berbangsa C*** yang aku jumpa cam dia. or maybe mmg aku jarang berurusan ngan doc C***. actually doc macam nak je continue my hosp. leave or m.c nih sampai aku deliver. siap bleh tanya aku..."what's make u want to go to office..?"....issshh..isshh..doc nih. aku dengan penuh keskimaan menjawab.."keje berlambak @ office"..of course lah kan? eeiiii....mahunya dia bagi aku m.c sampai bersalin nih. dia actually worried my conditions if i go to office. ye laaa...may involved a lotr of movement ke situ sini. somemore..importantly...he supposed to conduct one more XRAY on my ensure the screws in gooood positions. or else, very risky for me. he postponed the XRAY till I finished my cofinement. He tries to avoid XRAY on me at this moment. according to him, very rare case screw pasang tak betul ke apa...cuma procedure mmg mcm tuh..pre & post XRAY. so...he wrote a letter to my employer saying that to excuse me from some heavy-duty activities. more m.c....dah start pegi keje dah. alhamdulillah......


  1. Take care pi keje Na drive ker?

  2. La..Ina x drive pon lagi gi keje..syimah temankan Ina skrg.
